30 December, 2013

7 Signs of Intimacy With God

1. Your central desire is to know, love, and serve God. Though you still live in a fallen-world that often clouds your perceptions, your heart has pretty well been purged. The world and its pleasures and attachments have been set aside and you are free with undivided heart and mind to follow God.
2. The longings and fears that have long dominated your spiritual experience have passed. You are confident of your place with God, no longer afraid of displeasing Him, and confident that He leads you according to His will.
3. You are now a new person fully alive and available to Him. The spiritual goal of a love relationship with God has resulted in your wholeness, holiness, and service.
4. You live to love God and serve His will.
5. The tyranny of sin has ended, combating against your daily sins has ended, and tasting the goodness of God is real. Peace permeates everything.
6. Dryness in prayer is gone, dark nights of the soul are gone; the mystery of God’s presence and comfort is everywhere.
7. Fruits of the Spirit now abound. They are really spiritual in nature and not emotional or behavior.

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