02 August, 2014

Sex From God's Point of View

By: Fred Malir

In God's Word holy things, even the holiest things, are revealed. Satan degrades whatever glorifies God to the uttermost. That is why sex has been degraded to the uttermost.

Let us consider what God's Word tells us about sex. It will sweep out all the polluted concepts that Satan has attempted to sneak into our being. God is pure. There is no sin in our Lord. God loves us and He does not want us to be deceived by the world.

As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride...

The first chronological commandment God gave humans was: "Be fruitful and multiply". Read about it in Genesis chapter 1. God first gave that commandment to the fish, birds and animals. They obeyed and "God saw that it was good". God gave that same sexual commandment to humans and saw that it was "very good". Do you notice the difference? For animals it was good. But for humans "it was very good". Yes, God considers that His sexual commandment to mankind and our obedience to it in sexual activity in the sacred context of marriage is not merely good, but VERY good. 

Christian parents are too often ignorant, reluctant, even negligent to teach their children about sex from God's point of view. As children grow, they become increasingly curious about sex, and they too often get polluted sexual information on the street. Who are the professors? The most perverted peers, eager to initiate your children into illicit sex. 

Ponder Isaiah 62:5b: "...as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you". Amazing! As a honeymooning husband rejoices over his bride -in the sexual act- so our God will rejoice over you."

Does this mean there is sexual activity in Heaven? In this regard some had asked Jesus about a woman who had been married seven times. Who would be her husband in Heaven? Jesus explained that in glory there shall not be human sexual activity as we know it on earth, because we shall be like the angels, without sex (Matthew 22:23-32). However, the intense joy that we shall feel is a spiritual joy, far stronger and more enduring than a human orgasm. Why? Because God made sex to be an illustration of a Divine truth, a future experience that will be far more enjoyable, intense and enduring than present day human orgasm.

I cannot talk about this frankly to non-Christians. God's Word cautions me: "Don't cast your pearls before swine. They will trample them and rend you!". To us these things are like precious pearls. To the world it is garbage. These things are not only holy; they are most holy. Everything God says is holy and pure. In what way will God rejoice over you as a Bridegroom over his bride? It will be an intimate and intense experience, like an unending orgasm, a Divine and eternal enjoyment. 

What sex illustrates

Please turn to 1 Corinthians 6:15 where in two brief verses God reveals to us three aspects of sex. "What? Don't you know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body?". That is bad sex, illicit sex. "For two says He, shall be one flesh". That is good sex, in the sacred context of marriage, as God described it in Genesis 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be one flesh". This is the discreet way in which God refers to the marital act of sex between husband and wife.

Now we have a surprise: following these two statements we have a revelation given by God as to what sex between husband and wife illustrates, describes and unfolds: "But he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit".
Ah, but I did not expect this! You mean to tell me that the sexual act symbolizes one of the most pure and holy truths of the Bible? Yes! God says it! So to God be the glory! May the Lord sweep away all the evil concepts out of our corrupted minds and give us a pure and wholesome mind. And He has done so! Because God's Word tells us that "we have the mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2:16). Hallelujah! We are delivered from the perverted concepts of evil people so we can think holy and wholesome thoughts, thanks to God!

Thus, we see here in two brief verses, three aspects of sex: bad sex, good sex and what sex describes: he that is united to the Lord is one spirit with Him. How are we united to the Lord? Oh, this is very simple. God made Adam, our first ancestor. But where was Eve? Nowhere to be seen. She was hidden inside Adam. God anesthetized him, cut him open, removed a rib, flesh and blood, near Adam's heart, then closed the wound. With that rib, flesh and blood, God made a new being, our first great-great-grandmother, Eve. 

Eve was the only living being that was not made out of dust, dirt. She was made by God out of living materials, from inside Adam. What does this symbolize? This speaks to us of Christ and the Church. God's Word tells us that Adam was a figure of Christ, so what happened to Adam illustrates to us what happened to our Lord Jesus. Eve was a figure of the Church. That is why Adam called her Eve, which means: "the mother of all living".

Extraordinary! At the cross of Calvary, that Roman soldier did not imagine what he was actually doing when he wanted to be sure Christ was dead, so he rammed his lance into the heart of Jesus and out flowed blood and water. "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Spirit" (Titus 3:5). The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ washes us from all sin. The water of the Holy Spirit gives us His life. These are the living materials out of which the Church, the bride of Christ is built - Christ Himself! Not out of dirt.

Not out of dusty human philosophies. Not out of muddy religions. The most pure and holy thing is the Blood of Jesus Christ, preserved now in Heaven as an eternal living testimony of our salvation, our being washed in the Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ, enables us to stand unashamed before Him.

Do you realize the importance of this holy symbolism? Therefore we have in 1 Corinthians 6:19: "Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?". Yes, your body is now the temple of the Holy Spirit. What an honor! You are the house of God! God lives inside Christians. What a privilege!

An exchange of ownership

Consider now 1 Corinthians 7:2: "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband". That is a command, an order. Sex is good, but only in the holy context of matrimony. Sex outside marriage, is a grave sin, whether fornication or adultery.
What is masturbation? It is sexual impatience. God superbly designed sex for husband and wife. Remember that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, the house of God. So keep yourself pure for God and for the spouse that God may give you. 

Another surprise! 1 Corinthians 7:3: "Let the husband render to the wife due benevolence...". Husband, you must have sex with your wife. It is a benevolent act, a good thing for you to bless your wife with. "...and likewise also the wife to the husband". It is reciprocal. Both should always be willing to meet the needs of their spouse.

During my long life, I have seen how some women -usually due to some religious misconception- have unwittingly pushed their husbands into the arms of another woman and a divorce resulted. Likewise husbands can ignorantly push their wives into adultery. Satan deceives many. God has liberated us, but not into debauchery. We are enabled by God to know what He reveals to us in His Word. Because He dwells in us, He can fulfill all these things by the Holy Spirit and in His supply of love. Therefore, let the husband fulfill his marital duty with his own wife, and likewise the wife with her own husband. 

Now comes an amazing verse, and it is good for you to joyfully memorize it. 1 Corinthians 7:4: "The wife has not power over her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband has not power over his own body, but the wife". Oh, what is this? When you are married, an exchange of ownership occurs. At the wedding, your body does not belong to you any more. You cease to own your own body. Husband, your body has now acquired a new owner, which is your wife. And so the other way around. Wife, your body has now a new owner, which is your husband.

Therefore, you have no right to say: "Not today. I don't feel like it. Go run to the spa and exercise yourself until you drop exhausted, then come home, too tired to do anything except sleep". You cannot do things as the world does. A transfer of ownership has occurred. That is the reason why Christian marriages are so happy!

I was born on April 5, 1923. I am now an old man. Nevertheless, my wife and I live in a continuous joy, an extended honeymoon, a love overtime. We intensely love one another, yet we love God even more than each other.

We love to fellowship with one another. And we specially love to pray together. We love God together. We are exceedingly happy. I always prefer to travel and minister with my wife because -God's Word says- "two are more than one, because although one of you can chase a thousand enemies, two of you will chase ten thousand enemies" (Deuteronomy 32:30). See also 1 Peter 3:7. Therefore we have here not merely an addition of power, but actually a multiplication of power against all satanic enemies. Married couples have a tremendous privilege: they can pray together and cause Satan and his demons to flee in a myriad of situations.

Remember this well: the right of ownership is a total interchange. Why did God want it so? Because this is the way love is. He who loves, always thinks of making the loved one happy. In the case of sex, the highest joy is when the husband seeks for the wife to attain a full orgasm and likewise the wife enables her husband to reach a full orgasm. When both seek to make the other one reach that joy, they themselves obtain the greatest joy also. Yes, sex is the highest normal pleasure the human body can have.

Surely by now you must have the intuition that the highest spiritual joy humans can attain, is when we give ourselves fully to make God happy. When He enjoys you, you also will intensely rejoice. This has tremendous spiritual benefits, because "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Therefore, "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice!". To attain this, God has given you His Son to live His life in you, and God is always pleased with His Son. "This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17).

Don't defraud one another

God's Word tells us in 1 Corinthians 7:5: "Don't defraud one another, except it be with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency (lack of self control)". Defrauding is stealing. Many married couples defraud, steal and cheat one another. None of you Christians would steal money from a brother in Christ, yet many defraud, steal, deprive their spouse of sexual joy. Far more than you think.

God's Word warns you that in your marriage you must not deny sex from one another except for a time, and in mutual consent, in order to fast and pray. But once you finish fasting and praying and sit down to satisfy your appetite in a meal, remember that there is also the sexual appetite that God wants you to satisfy as well. And do not delay! Delays trigger infidelity, adultery and divorce.

When problems arise in sexual matters, pray first. Consult with the Lord. Ask Him. One of the names of the Lord is Counselor! He gives good advice! Isaiah 9:6. If you ask Him in prayer, humbly, He will tell you things as they really are. He will not lie to you. Our Lord Jesus said: "My sheep hear my voice. A stranger they will not follow, because they do not know the voice of strangers." It is possible to hear God. When we pray, He answers. Because He loves you, He will not let you remain in darkness.

If you decide to abstain from sex in order to pray, it must be by mutual consent. Should your spouse say "no" then fasting and prayer are canceled or postponed for another time. Remember, this is by mutual consent only. Once fasting and prayer are finished, then "come together again (sexually), that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency". Remember that! Here we have God Himself commanding us to have sexual intercourse in marriage after a time of abstinence due to fasting and prayer.

God first created our forefather Adam. Eve was not seen because she was hidden in Adam. God performed a surgery on Adam and pulled out a rib, with which He made Eve. The blood symbolizes our redemption. Bone symbolizes our eventual resurrection. So God polarized all the masculine traits in Adam and all the feminine attributes in Eve. God had said: "come together again". At the beginning there was only one, Adam. Then God made Eve out of living Adamic materials and there were two, Adam and Eve. Then, in their sexual activity, they became one again! One, two, then one again! "Two shall be one flesh". Here is what all this means:

Sexual intercourse represents true unity

The sexual act, in the sacred context of matrimony, means true unity. Real unity is nothing less than the unity that exists in our triune God. God is one in His deity. Nobody else is God. "God is one", declares the Word of God. Simultaneously, however, God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Among these three there is such an intense unity that we do not have three gods but only One God. That is the kind of glue or unity that God wants you to experience in your marriage. That you and your wife be united with the same oneness. Not only in the sexual act, but also in everything else you both do, team-working together in unity.

Since the church is the bride of Christ, this also applies to the church also. The adhesive that unites the brethren is the same element that unites Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That is why, when Jesus prayed for us believers in John 17, He voiced a prayer that if I had not found it recorded in the Bible, I could not have believed! But it is in the Bible and so I believe it. Jesus prayed: "Father... that they be one, as we are one... that they be one in us".

In Christ, we can begin to enjoy the same kind of oneness that exists in our triune God. Oh! This is simply wonderful! This is out of this world! This is something in the Holy Spirit, inside our human spirit. It is internal, something that cannot be seen visibly, because it is inside you. But you certainly can see the results! That is why Jesus said: "Remain in Me, and I in you" (John 15:4). There is an interchange, because Jesus tells us, "if you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, ask whatever you want, and it will be given to you" (John 15:7).

Brethren, if you live in that oneness -Christ in you, and you in Christ- you will have the freedom to ask God for anything you want, because you will not be asking God for things that do not please Him. You will be enabled by Him to pray according to God's Will. And when you pray according to His Will, He will give you what you ask! God responds to prayer. God loves you. God wants to give you your requests. He wants you to be happy. He has provided everything to make you happy, far happier than you could ever imagine!

You are part of the church, part of the bride of Christ, part of a wonderful intimacy. The church is like a commoner girl, without pedigree, without diplomas, without any merit. But the Prince fell in love with her, and they got married. Now this commoner girl participates in all the pomp and ceremony of the kingdom. Simply because the Prince married her!

In the same way, you and I are nothing. We are made of mud. But if we are part of the church, we are living parts of Christ. Now we are not made of clay any more. We are built with the most precious material of the world: the very life of the Lord Jesus Christ. His blood washes us from all sin. His resurrection life makes us the Bride of Christ. Without a spot of sin. Without a wrinkle of oldness! New and living! Now we can begin to enjoy a unity that the world does not imagine to be possible.

In the world there is no such unity. The only place where there is true oneness is in the church. And God can make that oneness with Him to be the reality of your unity with your wife! Hallelujah! There is great joy in being enabled to have such oneness in prayer. May God answer your prayers, husband and wife, and abundantly grant you whatever you ask Him.

Joyful advice to young people

1 Corinthians 7:9 says: "But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn". It is better to marry than to burn with sexual desires. God can provide a spouse for you if it is His desire for you to marry. But I beg you to marry in the will of God.

It is good to pray and select a compatible spouse, but how can I know what a husband or a wife will turn out to be? Only God knows. Therefore, it is better to pray and ask our heavenly Counselor: "Dear God, whom do You want me to marry". Then there will not be the problems that the unbelievers have in the world.

Let me give you one final Bible quotation. At the end of the Bible, on the last page, there is an outstanding verse: "The Spirit and the bride say: Come..." (Revelation 22:17a). This is the Holy Spirit. The bride is the church. Here God reveals to us that with the march of time, the Holy Spirit and the bride of Christ have developed such a great intimacy, that they are like a well trained duet. When such a duet sings, they both vocalize every word simultaneously, in perfect harmony.

"The Spirit and the bride say: Come...". How sweet this is! It is achieved in matrimony when husband and wife are in perfect harmony, especially in regards to God. When one wants to say something, the other one says it also; they are in mutual accord. There is instant simultaneity, which can only be reached through a continuous intimacy that takes years to develop.

God assures you young people that if you ask Him for a good spouse, He will give you the experience that with the march of time, you will be enabled to say to your aging spouse, "Let us age together graciously for God's glory". And the two of you, finally senior citizens, will laugh with raspy but loving voices, praising the Lord!

My wife and I have engraved in our wedding rings: Psalm 34:3: "Oh magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together". This has become our constant and ever increasing enjoyment! It certainly can be your experience also.


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