02 January, 2014

Strength For The Journey (2)

When you are facing with a number of temptations or distractions that are intended to cause you to give up, you must stay faithful in full submission to God’s will. God has a reason for allowing hard times in your life. He is preparing you to go to the next level and in this next level there will be an even greater release of the Glory of God in a mighty outpouring of His love, mercy, blessing, favor and anointing in you and through you. 

The journey is more important than the destination. I always knew it on some level but now I am actually beginning to understand why that is. The whole purpose of having a goal is the things that you learn on your way towards it. It is not the end result that matters but how much you have grown along the way is what really counts.

Instead of always focusing on how far you want to go, learn to enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment. 

Lets enjoy what you have today. Be grateful for all God has given you. Be anxious for nothing and God will take care of your tomorrow.

The two hardest tests on a spiritual journey are the patience to wait for the right moment (the appointed time in the purpose of God) and the courage not to be disappointed with what you encounter. Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is timing it waits on the right time to act for the right principles and in the right way. It takes faith and patience to inherit God's promises. 

I have discovered that my loneliness and my pain were indeed gift. They led me from an existence dominated by fear to a life grounded in joy. God used them to take me to a journey into the heart of longing whose destination was Love a journey toward intimacy with Him. 

Through my failure, pain and suffering on my journey in the wilderness, God has humbled my heart. God resists the pride but give grace to the humble. 

If you ask God for having intimacy with Him and more of Him, more of His fullness, more of His love and more of His presence in your everyday lives you must believe that He has heard your prayer, and everything in your moment to moment existence is designed by Him for that end.

Our journey will be less tedious and more filled with joy when we catch a faint glimpse of the beauty and the purpose of our pain, and how in the Father's Hand this rough tool carves a most beautiful image of Jesus in our souls.

When something is not happen the way you expect it, you don't need to worry because God is leading you on a journey of preparation for all the wonderful blessings He has in store for you. God knows what He is doing.

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