20 January, 2014

The Stronger The Wind, The Stronger The Root

Psalm 52:8 "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." 

The Bible contains many verses that have a deeper spiritual meaning. To understand this verse, it is necessary to know the characteristics of a green olive tree. This robust tree can live for centuries, even in dry, barren, and rocky places. To harvest the olives in Biblical times, the green olive tree would be beaten with sticks to knock the fruit from its branches. In spite of that, the tree would continue to produce new fruit. The strength of this tree comes from its roots, which go deep into the earth. The green olive tree’s roots are so deep and so strong that they survive even if the trunk is burned or cut down. The roots will send up new shoots, and they will bear fruit. The green olive tree knows how to survive and thrive even in the harshest of environments. 

Many trees grow green and fruitful in the middle of a dry and barren desert. These trees survive and flourish because their roots have driven down and discovered hidden streams of flowing water. Some people live in the midst of evil and misery but still able radiate joy and lead fruitful lives. Through prayer, the hidden roots of their faith have reached down to the source of living water. They draw from its energy and life to bear spiritual fruit.

Sometimes the Lord wants us to be still, to wait for Him. Sometimes we have no choice. It is while we stay still that we can really focus on Jesus. Our roots began to receive the nourishment they needed and He become our source of strength, the One who helps us grow. 

No matter what the situation you find yourself in always be focused on what you can be learning from it. The stronger the wind, the stronger the root. We grow more in hard times than in easy times. It is through the hard times in life, we become a stronger person and develop our true sense. The depth of our roots determine the quality of our fruits.

The storms will come and the winds will blow, but the Lord will give you deep roots that you would not be moved. You will be anchored in the fountain of all life.  Although you are overwhelmed and beaten, your roots has not died. Your roots are still alive. You can also experience growth and restoration. You are like green olive trees, and the Lord wants you to bear fruit and  be a blessing to others. May your roots go down deep that you would not be moved by the seasons of life.

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