we enter into sexual intercourse with selfish motives, we are even more alone
than we were before. The loneliness increases our appetite for the union, which
is usually translated into a need for more sexual intercourse. Lust is a
self-perpetuating cycle that becomes more intense as it continues.
~ Rick Joyner
There are some men and women who have been very lonely because lack of gentle love from the time they were little child. This inner emptiness was the result of having parents who had difficulty in being physically affectionate or in communicating their love. In adult life, a person with such a wound may mistakenly think that their loneliness is solely the result of not having an affectionate woman or man at their side.
About 25 years a go, I asked God to set me free from depression and loneliness. God had answered the prayers of an abandoned and rejected boy so many years ago, and gave him a new life. God has demonstrated His grace and revealed His power to me. I’ve known and tasted the goodness of my Lord, and to Him I am forever grateful.
There are certain times when I just feel a depth of loneliness that’s hard to describe. I know we all feel this way sometimes. When I have those horribly lonely times of heart, I do quickly run to God in my spirit. And he is so refreshing. Cleansing tears envelope my being as I pour my heart out to him who knows me so well.
When you’re lonely, sad or depressed, you can draw close to God and he is sure to draw close to you. Only the Savior can truly help us with our spiritual ills — the soul sickness everyone gets. This Jesus-balm is ever-healing and ever-renewing.
I was born again about 22 years a go. My journey begins as I seek to know God intimately after losing my job in 1998. While on this journey, God begins to work in the deep recesses of my heart, removing hidden areas of shame, fear, and bitterness. As the veils were removed from my heart I became purified spiritually, physically, and emotionally. As I allowed Holy Spirit to cleanse my heart I was able to draw closer to God but I experienced great pain along the journey.
While climbing the mountain of intimacy, I discovered the transforming power of the love of God, the Father. During the purification process, my passion for Jesus deeply intensified as I encountered the heart and emotions of God. God’s love can sustain me through anything this world can bring. God’s loving presence is my greatest joy.
The further up the mountain I traveled, the fewer companions I had. There was a time when all things seemed to drop behind and I found myself alone. When I finally arrived on the top, the loneliness was gone for I saw things very differently. I saw all my former companions and possessions as they really are with no illusions, no regrets, and no attachments. In this rare air of God's Love, my heart's filled with peace and joy. I see things as He sees them because the breath of His Spirit fills my soul to overflowing.
I've been through a long painful journey, searching for God's love to complete my being. Now I've found the light of His love, I am complete and able to find happiness and contentment. He touched my heart, my mind, and my inner being. He filled my empty soul. Without Him, I am empty, unable to function or find meaning in my day-to-day existence. Together we are one, a perfect union that can face insurmountable odds and face the uncertainty that the future holds. Fear of the future diminishes in the light of His presence and I truly believe I can face any obstacle if He is by my side.
According to Robert Weis, one of the founding researchers on loneliness, all of us need a special person in our lives, someone who gives us a sense of security or reassurance that we can face the world once again. How often do you believe that if you just found that right person, entered that right relationship, your loneliness would be abated and you will live happily ever after?
Many people look for a soul mate and think that this soul mate will complete them . Sadly, this is really not the purpose of a soul mate. No one can complete you, ever. No one can fill you up or give you what you need or provide you with the "missing piece". No one can do this, except God.
We empty ourselves of all things of the world – not because the world is bad or sinful but because we want to be completely filled with him. God knows your true identity – the one that is whole and complete, the hidden most part of your heart and soul. You are uniquely and marvelously made children of God.
~ Rick Joyner
There are some men and women who have been very lonely because lack of gentle love from the time they were little child. This inner emptiness was the result of having parents who had difficulty in being physically affectionate or in communicating their love. In adult life, a person with such a wound may mistakenly think that their loneliness is solely the result of not having an affectionate woman or man at their side.
About 25 years a go, I asked God to set me free from depression and loneliness. God had answered the prayers of an abandoned and rejected boy so many years ago, and gave him a new life. God has demonstrated His grace and revealed His power to me. I’ve known and tasted the goodness of my Lord, and to Him I am forever grateful.
There are certain times when I just feel a depth of loneliness that’s hard to describe. I know we all feel this way sometimes. When I have those horribly lonely times of heart, I do quickly run to God in my spirit. And he is so refreshing. Cleansing tears envelope my being as I pour my heart out to him who knows me so well.
When you’re lonely, sad or depressed, you can draw close to God and he is sure to draw close to you. Only the Savior can truly help us with our spiritual ills — the soul sickness everyone gets. This Jesus-balm is ever-healing and ever-renewing.
I was born again about 22 years a go. My journey begins as I seek to know God intimately after losing my job in 1998. While on this journey, God begins to work in the deep recesses of my heart, removing hidden areas of shame, fear, and bitterness. As the veils were removed from my heart I became purified spiritually, physically, and emotionally. As I allowed Holy Spirit to cleanse my heart I was able to draw closer to God but I experienced great pain along the journey.
While climbing the mountain of intimacy, I discovered the transforming power of the love of God, the Father. During the purification process, my passion for Jesus deeply intensified as I encountered the heart and emotions of God. God’s love can sustain me through anything this world can bring. God’s loving presence is my greatest joy.
The further up the mountain I traveled, the fewer companions I had. There was a time when all things seemed to drop behind and I found myself alone. When I finally arrived on the top, the loneliness was gone for I saw things very differently. I saw all my former companions and possessions as they really are with no illusions, no regrets, and no attachments. In this rare air of God's Love, my heart's filled with peace and joy. I see things as He sees them because the breath of His Spirit fills my soul to overflowing.
I've been through a long painful journey, searching for God's love to complete my being. Now I've found the light of His love, I am complete and able to find happiness and contentment. He touched my heart, my mind, and my inner being. He filled my empty soul. Without Him, I am empty, unable to function or find meaning in my day-to-day existence. Together we are one, a perfect union that can face insurmountable odds and face the uncertainty that the future holds. Fear of the future diminishes in the light of His presence and I truly believe I can face any obstacle if He is by my side.
According to Robert Weis, one of the founding researchers on loneliness, all of us need a special person in our lives, someone who gives us a sense of security or reassurance that we can face the world once again. How often do you believe that if you just found that right person, entered that right relationship, your loneliness would be abated and you will live happily ever after?
Many people look for a soul mate and think that this soul mate will complete them
We empty ourselves of all things of the world – not because the world is bad or sinful but because we want to be completely filled with him. God knows your true identity – the one that is whole and complete, the hidden most part of your heart and soul. You are uniquely and marvelously made children of God.
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