06 February, 2014

His Light Will Overcome Your Darkness

Psalm 103:7 "He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel."

Living for God is a process that takes years to develop. For people to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day, they must get to know Him intimately. So many know of Him, but not many really know Him intimately. So many know His deeds but not many know His ways.

Over the last nearly 7 years I have seen some of my deepest, darkest days, as well as some of my brightest, most joyful days. Infertility is something you can’t fully understand until you’ve been there. The pain, the fear, the uncertainty – it’s so real and so raw.

Helpless, totally helpless, as well as ever so alone, I abide in this condition. And I accepted my pain and loneliness in the spiritual desert. I accepted that there is really, except for a murmured prayer to a merciful and loving God and a remnant of a shredded faith, nothing else left.

Then, it happened a holy presence and anointing came into my room — sweetly, softly. I felt it filling me.  My heart's permeated with peace. This peace moved through my body like a cold spring of mountain water. Then, the fire of joy began to smoulder. Here, abiding with nothing more to do, my ego dropped away. My ignorant, arrogant, fearful sense of self fell away from me. I stood in light — a new being, a free being — transformed. The ugly, ungainly caterpillar, alone, enter a period of darkness, the cocoon. Out of this period of darkness emerges the butterfly — beautiful, free and no longer earthbound. 

What I know on this side of it is if I hadn’t experienced the depth of the pain, the darkness of those days – I could never experience the fullness of the joy and light I’m experiencing now. God knew it’s what my heart needed. It was pain with a purpose. A purpose I couldn’t see, try as I did. To become a beautiful butterfly you have to endure the painful cocoon stage – darkness, destruction, loneliness and everything falling apart.

I wish I could show you all the big picture. I wish I could say exactly how that divine presence is coming. And when it’s coming. All I know is that it is. And it’s going to be so much more beautiful than you can even imagine.

When you find yourself in the midst of the deepest and darkest trials show gratitude because you are going through a sort of rites of passage or a spiritual detox. After going through the dark night season, you will come out even stronger in spirit. You have to look through eyes of hope and see a butterfly inside the caterpillar. Hope knows that beauty is waiting to be born in the unlikeliest places.

I know many of you are going through a hard times or a testing times. Today, I wanna tell you that if you just have faith that God can heal, restore and make you whole is enough to keep you going, is enough to lead you through the darkness. Hold on because the wisdom that will follow you out of this darkness will be a tremendous gift. The darkness will not overtake you, but will be revealed for what it is by the light that is in you.

As you let go and let God, everything will be transformed into a blessing. God can turn your problem into opportunity, your darkness into light, your sorrow into joy, and your emptiness into fullness — full of love and abundance of joy. In the darkness of your painful moments, when you are lonely, rejected and suffered, you will find the beauty of God's love and His light will overcome your darkness.

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