23 February, 2014

Tragedy Doesn’t Disprove God's love

How do we convince people God is a loving God when he allows such horrible things to happen to them? I don't know. But I believe tragedy doesn’t disprove his love. His love is greater than our tragedies. I have had many painful experiences in my life that left me in despair but I have experienced the abundance of God's love.

I believe God can use our hurts of the past and pain of the present to bring us closer to Him. But God never intended for us to suffer or feel defeated. God does not enjoy seeing anyone suffer pain, disappointments and tragedy. He is our Father who loves us so much. 

There was no word for TRAGEDY in the Hebrew language. It was only added to the Greek language. This is because the Hebrews believed that if things aren't beautiful, then the story isn't over. In other words, if God hasn't made it beautiful, then He is not finished with it. God isn't finished with you yet. He will not rest yet until He has finished and delivered the miracle to you.

I spent much time in my wilderness zone. My experience of the wilderness zone was very scary and painful. In the wilderness, I was refined into the person God predestined me to be, before the foundation of the world. In the wilderness, He built my faith and character. And in the wilderness, God did not send me a spiritual mentor or father but He sent me people who need help. 

Once you have come through those wilderness experiences, you will discover that Satan will then attempt to persecute you. People will call you a religious fanatic or crazy. Family members and friends that you love will talk about you and put pressure on you to make you back away from and back down from that which you believe God is giving you and calling you to. 

I have thought about Job many times throughout my lifetime. I too have wondered why God allow Job to suffer. I believe the suffering of Job explains much about why character is more important in God's eyes than the discomfort and pain we experience in this life. Growing up is a painful process.

Satan tempted Job to bring out the worst in him, but God used it to bring out the best in him. God has purpose for your pain, a reason for your struggle and a reward for your faithfulness.When you're going through a hard time, always keeping in your mind that at the end of the road, Job finally "saw" God as he never had seen Him before, and it changed his life forever. And like Job, you will receive double for what you have lost. 

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