21 February, 2014

The Transformation Journey

Most people don't really want to be healed and whole. What they want is relief. It takes a long painful journey to completely heal a broken soul — to become a whole new person. True spiritual growth is a steady, consistent process. It's intended to be a life-long journey. It takes time and desire to not only see but to begin to perceive, not only to listen but to begin to hear and understand; to be moved to turn to God present in all we experience and this turning is the path to our wholeness.

I am sure there has been much written about spiritual journeys and the transformation process, but a summary that has helped me sort all this out is from George Barna’s recent book Maximum Faith. He summarizes it as 10 stops on the transformation journey:

Stop 1: Ignorance of and indifferent to sin

Stop 2: Aware of and indifferent to sin

Stop 3: Concerned about the implications of personal sin

Stop 4: Confess sins and ask Jesus Christ to be their savior

Stop 5: Commitment to faith activities (behavior modification)

Stop 6: Experience a prolonged period of spiritual discontent

Stop 7: Experiencing personal brokenness

Stop 8: Choosing to surrender and submit fully to God: radical dependence (Jesus becomes Lord)

Stop 9: Enjoy a profound intimacy with and love for God

Stop 10: Experience a profound compassion and love for humanity (see the world through God’s eyes)

Where are you at on this transformation journey? Especially if you are a full time pastor, chances are you have not had to honestly answer that question in many years, maybe never. Many people never make it beyond stop 6, and during that time of spiritual discontent either leave the church completely (like after graduation) or settle back into stop 5 thinking that is all the church, and God, has to offer them.

Everyone is handed adversity in life. No one's journey is easy. It's how they handle it that makes people unique. In the end what will get us through is not a feeling but faithfulness.

Faithfulness to go on when we are feeling weak.
Faithfulness to keep on trusting when it gets dark.
Faithfulness to love Him when doors are closed and prayers are unanswered.
Because God wants more than our words and our promises.
He wants our commitment and our heart every step of the way. 

There is a place God is inviting you to live in — a place of intimacy and peace, abundance and blessings. In His presence there is fulness of joy, pleasure and life. Your destiny is not loneliness but oneness with God. Intimacy with God is the ultimate goal of your spiritual journey. Intimacy with God brings peace to the soul and healing to your body.

Throughout the last decade I have seen and experienced Gods gentle hand and love transformed and restored to me. A significant brokenness pattern in my life happened between the years 1998-2012. I think that much of my spiritual work of the last 13 years has been addressing this time in my life. I crashed spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially and relationally. The year of 2012 was the lowest time thus far in my life and it challenged everything that I believed about God at the time. I have recognized with God’s grace how they happened and some of the why behind them. Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

2012 was a year of heartache for me but now everything has changed. I am so thankful to God for life the amazing gift of life. I cry as I thank Him for each one of my friends, my family, my journey, and His plan for me. I am overwhelmed with thankfulness when I remember His love for me. For He loves us with unfailing love; the Lord's faithfulness endures forever.


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