09 February, 2014

Walk in The Fullness of The Anointing

The olive tree takes seven years before it produces any fruit. Only a mature olive oil can produce oil. A mature olive tree produces nine gallons of oil each year. Whenever we open our hearts to God, we receive spiritual nourishment and grow more and more into the likeness of God until we reach spiritual maturity. And once we mature, we will see the full-grown mature fruit of the Spirit in our lives. And then we can begin to flow in the anointing all the time bringing life and healing to others.

As you daily seek the Lord, He will abundantly pour upon you newness and rich growth and you will become flourishing, richly perfumed and fruitful. The Hebrew word for flourish "parach" means to break-forth, breakout, as a bud, bloom, to spread to fly as extending wings, spring up. I don't know about you, but I need His fresh oil anointing, every moment of everyday. In light of the uncertain times we are living in, we need to run into His presence and receive His unfailing love and protection, comfort and fresh oil anointing.
As you getting closer to God and growing spiritually, you will be able to surrender more to God. Once you attains the state of surrender, then God can work through you. This principle becomes progressively more and more manifest in you. The more you surrender to God, the more you are able to experience God’s presence in your life, and the more of God’s anointing flowing through you.

God is doing a mighty work in your life, but you must allow Him to do it. He is working in you, detaching you from this world and one day you will be set free to come away with Him into the secret place, into the Most Holy Place. There is a time of preparation that is needed before He can release you into the full flow of the anointing He has placed upon your life.

If you want to achieve a spiritual higher level, a higher understanding, a new promotion, a greater blessing and anointing, you must be willing to pay the price. A beautiful life does not just happen. It just does not happen like that, but it will first cost you. Everything you are going through is working in preparation for you to walk in the fullness of the anointing. 

One of the most painful things about walking with God is the fact that you will often lose many so-called "friends" and have to let go of many things which you have put your trust in. At a certain time in your life and having paid the price, you will feel yourself lonely, misunderstood and rejected by someone. This is the cost of the anointing, but in the end it will pay off. It is at this very moment that the blending process by the Lord starts. He will be your real partner and will bring genuine and faithful friends to your side. He will become so real to you. Then your life will be tasteful and a pleasant aroma unto Him.

The purpose of my writing is to stir within your heart the deep passionate desire to seek to know God more and daily experience His presence, faithfulness, peace, love, grace and power as He draws you unto His Heart. Together we journey through the everyday stuff of life with it's ups and downs and receive encouragement and strength from Him and a fresh anointing to boldly rise up and go forth as mighty sons and daughters of the Most High God. Every moment of everyday He's drawing us to that place — to that secret place within His Heart that He's reserved just for you and just for me. It's in that secret place He will settle us with His love, encourage us with His promises, and strengthen and empower us to victoriously rise above the stresses and messes of everyday life.

There will be a great revival, that will spread throughout the whole world and usher in the second coming of Jesus. This will be the final revival before the coming of the Lord. God will rise up men and women who will lead this move of God under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. There will be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This move of God will be the greatest move of God ever known in mankind’s history.
God wants you to walk with Him and know Him intimately. He wants you to be a carrier of His anointing. You may have some struggles, pain, challenges, tensions and trials but today is a brand new day. So let us step in and look for new beginnings, new anointing and new strength. Let the Holy Spirit breath in you and receive new anointing from Him. Let the very life of God Himself flow through your being and you will be refreshed, renewed, ignited, fulled of passion and the love of God. 

There is a new anointing about ready to be poured out upon you. The wind is blowing and the anointing is on the way.

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